Are you learning a bit about Microsoft Excel?
You’ve reached this page to sample our Excel Beginners Course Training materials and I hope you’re getting some value from what you’ve seen already.
You can access the training manual clicking the link below.
Excel Course Training Manuals
When you click the link below you can open and then save the training manual to your own computer and keep it forever.
In our Premium short courses the training manual contains the step by step tasks for you to practice with the “exercise files” that are included as our sample data – there are hundreds of them in the full course.
This training manual is the first of 9 in the full “Ultimate Excel Course Package”.
Excel Course Exercise Files
The exercise files used in our Excel courses are unlocked and free available to use in your own life and work.
In the more complex and advanced formulas and functions there are several different versions of each file to clearly demonstrate the progression about how to use them.
Instructor Video Tutorials
Instructor Videos are screen recordings of our instructors actually using the exercise files and following the steps in the training manuals.
You can watch them over and over again as often as you need and then either replicate them using the exercise files or follow the steps in the training manual.
Ultimate Excel Course Package
The Ultimate Excel Course Package includes all 9 skill levels in learning how to use Excel spreadsheets. You get 12 months course access and support and can join as a member if you want ongoing access and support afterwards.
See the Ultimate Excel Course