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MYOB Online Course Videos — MYOB Finding — To Do List Navigation

There are two ways to find the area you need in the To Do List.

First of all, on the Main Command Centre you will see at the bottom is the To Do List icon. There is a dropdown arrow next to it. Click on the arrow and you’ll see the following options:

  • A/R – Accounts Receivable
  • A/P – Accounts Payable
  • Recurring Transactions
  • Recurring Sales
  • Recurring Purchases
  • Expiring Discounts
  • Orders
  • Stock Alert
  • Contact Alert

You then just scroll to the selection required and click.

You can also just click on the To Do List icon and you will see the full list with all the tabs and you simply select the tab required

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Video Reference: 502203

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MYOB Online Course Videos — MYOB Finding — ‘To Do List’ Navigation – AR and AP

To check on A/R (Accounts Receivable) click on the To Do List icon. You will now be able to see all customers owing you money. The columns give you the following information:

Name of Customer

Overdue Days

Invoice Number

Due Date

Balance Due

The last column allows you to select either individual customers or all of the customers.

Select the customers that you wish to send a payment reminder to, and when you’ve done this, you can simply click on the Mail Merge icon at the bottom of the screen.

The same goes for for AP (Accounts Payable). This is in reverse; ie. for the suppliers you use whom your business owes money to. The information in the columns is the same with the exception of Invoice numbers which are instead listed as Purchase Orders. Again you can select individual suppliers or select all. You can then begin the process of paying by clicking on the Pay Bills icon on the bottom of the screen.

Note that the white arrow will take you to the Invoice or Purchase Order for that particular Customer or Supplier when clicking on it.

502204 To Do List Navigation AR & AP in MYOB
502204 To Do List Navigation AR & AP in MYOB

Video Reference: 502204

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