MYOB allows you to change the look of your invoice even though you may already have entered the type of invoice in Setup.
At the bottom of your invoice is a layout icon. Click on the icon and the List of Layouts will now show. When you click on the different layouts, MYOB gives a brief description of each option.
Selecting the ‘Item’ invoice, you will notice that the layout has changed and there are more fields to enter information than was on the ‘Service’ layout.
The description field is where you enter the items sold and you can type anything that is appropriate to that item.
The Account number field gives you the Income Account and this is from the Chart of Accounts.
The Tax field gives you the tax amount, whether it is GST or GST free.
You will notice that there is a ‘Job’ Column; it is here you can add a sale to a Job Number. This is used so that you can keep a track of income and expenses for a particular job.

Video Reference: 502103
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